Monday, June 7, 2010

A Child's Innocence

So today Ben let Mocha into the field where Ned (the male mini horse) has been kept since the birth of Mable. We were told to separate them because if Mocha sensed that Ned didn't like Mable she would not "mother" her and therefore she would not take care of her. So since Mable was born Ned has been in a field that borders them but he could not get in to be by them. Today, however, Ben decided it was okay to let them be by each other and as soon as they got into the same field Ned had to get right down to business if you know what I mean. Ryker was outside and happened to witness this "event" and said, "ohhh look at Ned he missed Mocha so much and is giving her a big hug" Goodness, this child of mine makes me laugh so much.

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