Friday, December 10, 2010

3D ultrasound of Baby # 2...

Today we went and had a 3D ultrasound of our baby. I have always told myself if I had another baby I would get one of these as I think they are just amazing. Well, that day my baby was not being very cooperative (which makes me think I am having a BOY) so we didn't get many good shots of the face but it just means I get to go back another day and see him or her again...they let you come back to do them until you get the shot you are looking for which for most people is the face shot. I'm going back on January 7 and in the afternoon so that I can have lunch first so hopefully it is more active that day. Anyway, some of the pics we got are below. It is best to sit back and look at them and not try to analyze exactly what you see close up.
Here is a profile picture. If you put your hand over the right side of the image of stuff you can more clearly see the profile on the left. You can see the forehead, a closed eye, the nose and a chubby cheek...or at least it looks as though he or she may have some cheeks on him or her, that is what the ultrasound tech said too.

This is a picture of the baby's hand covering his or her face...already camera shy. ;)
And this is a profile body shot. You can see the arm bending down with the elbow resting on the knee. You can also see the shoulder and the belly. It's like it is in a "sitting" position.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say that it was almost harder to tell what we were looking at when she had it in 3D mode than in 2D but it was still neat. Unfortunately, I was so busy trying to get Ellie out the door with us (and enough things to keep her occupied) that I forgot to bring a CD so we weren't able to get all of the images like I had hoped. Another downside to forgetting the CD is that I could not get our scanner to finally this week I asked Jon if he could take it to work and scan it. (I was hoping to include the 20 week ultrasound pics with this one since I never posted those but unless our scanner magically starts working again, I don't think that will be happening.)open time : M-F 10am-8pm Saturday and Sunday 10am-4pm. 4d ultrasound
